Wade is available to speak on a variety of topics. Some include:
Adult Education | Distance Education | General Nerdery | Big Data | Inclusivity | Sexual and Gender Minorities | Presentation Skill Training | Academic Poster Design
Some of his presentation (and co-presentaions) include:
- Social U: The Future of Higher Education? Reflections on technology in the Classroom that takes even more than one hundred and forty charact
- Setting Sail: Charting new connections in eLearning or The Six Degrees of Canadian Bacon
- Celebrating Data: Finding the Humanity in Our Social [Media] Futures
- Becoming a Science Evangelist: Spreading the Nerd Love
- Blinded by the Light: Wrapped Up and Seduced, Another Technical Delight
- Getting and Keeping their Attention: Tips for Presenters
- The significance of the Intergenerational Context in the NP Preceptorship Experience
- Sexual and Gender Minority Considerations in Healthcare